Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Abundance through Use

Trapping Carbon

Using the sciences of ecology and biology one can estimate the amount of carbon dioxide converted by plants and trapped into carbon by let's say a group of trees. This would be great in calculating carbon offsetting. It is nice how science can help us measure and thus make better more informed decisions.

Shade Plants

It would be good to know if shade plants give out less carbon dioxide at night than sun plants. If so, then shade plants would be safer to keep in doors at homes for they would then produce less carbon dioxide at night preventing suffocation hazards for residents.


We often find that weeds are resilient. We fight them but they come back. We keep fighting them yet they persist and survive even flourish. We can think of some phenomena in society or in our human communities as weeds. If we fight them, they might still persist and become even stronger in an attempt to survive. One way of dealing with such 'negative' phenomena is not to fight them and try to kill them but to try and understand them and see why in the first place have they flourished. It is then that we can devise solutions that would make use of such 'weeds' and keep them in check at the same time.

For instance, the phenomenon of street children in Egypt can be seen as a 'weed' problem. Trying to fight this negative phenomenon would take too much energy and would probably not provide a sustainable solution. Yet attempting to understand the reasons behind the outbreak of such phenomenon and making adjustments in the 'ecosystem' can lead to better balance and the gradual sustained disappearance of such phenomenon.

Abundance through Use

Ecology and biology tell us that the more a plant withdraws nutrients to feed its growing buds and other parts the more its leaves work and absorb energy through photosynthesis. This phenomenon is interesting and reminds us of a lactating mother, the more her baby suckles the more milk she produces. This concept of growth through use and abundance through use is common in nature and natural organisms. A muscle would only grow if you keep using it. Weight lifting can give you really large muscles. A muscle not in use would get smaller in size. The concept can even be used for writers. The more you write the more flow you find and the better you are able to produce writings. This concept of abundance by use contrasts sharply with the non-natural inanimate world of things. For instance, the more space you use in your computer's hard drive the less space will be available in it.

An additional example also on this same phenomenon is giving money for charity. They more you give the more money that will come back to you. [phenomenon]

Science in Agriculture

Agriculture in our current age has been affected by science. Not necessarily deep and comprehensive science but some selective science and in some occasions shallow science. The scientific method has affected agriculture and not always in a good way. We check for nutrients needed by plants and its different parts. What nutrients do leaves require, what nutrients do flowers require and so on. What nutrients and in which phase would make the plant grow larger in size and in the shortest time possible and preferably even out of season. Money has pushed the use of science in agriculture to in imbalance. We seek size of produce, amount of produce, less time to growth and not give much attention to taste or nutritional value. In the past, before science got involved with agriculture, people just relied on their observations and natural instincts and local knowledge to garden, grow crops and take care of plants. They did well producing flavorful fruits and veggies that were safe to consume and delicious to taste.

The best way ahead would be to use science, yet in a full and balanced way. If science was used in order to help use growth more flavorful more nutritious food that is sustainable and good in every way to the ecosystem in which it is grown then this would be the proper use of science and agriculture would cease to be a negative factor for the environment.

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